Goal Status
Sign Welcoming Cities Proclamation
Designate a bureaucratic navigator for neighborhood/cultural leaders and artists
Hire an ED at ACDA
Become involved in a leadership capacity with existing community initiatives intended to improve education
Keep Safe Harbor building in use
Develop a plan to improve morale among Municipal employees
Review and strengthen the Employee Relations department
Improve Municipal responsiveness and direct connection between Mayor and departments
Clearly layout fiscal opportunities and challenges
Develop and adopt Fairview economic development incentives In Progress
Provide affordable language interpreter for municipal services
Add gender identity/expression to existing Municipal EEO statement
Hire a homeless coordinator
If State of Alaska doesnt expand Medicaid, have Anchorage expand Medicaid
Green Dot training
Work with AK Language Interpreter Center to get interpreters at APD, AFD, DHHS
Encourage a relationship with Partners Reentry Center
Create and establish a relationship with the DOC Commissioner
Retain the Municipal Prosecutor on AIJ steering committee
Investigate safety protocols on buses In Progress
Have each department take 1+1 Alaska survey In Progress
Review the Purchasing department In Progress
Diversity and Work Readiness In Progress
Increase diversity in Municipal government including boards and commissions In Progress
Make a commitment to create an accessible/walkable Anchorage In Progress
Frame Mayors relationship with education In Progress
Develop strategy and process to navigate Title 21 In Progress
Hire a housing advocate & require annual housing goals In Progress
Title 21: Eliminate or significantly refine the new M/F requirements with an understanding on financial feasibility In Progress
Establish a long term plan for 49 Angel Fund In Progress
Improve transportation and access In Progress
Privatize halfway houses n/a
Accept Campbell Creek estuary as park land